Woman at a museum sitting on a bench looking at paintings

“Who’s Richie? What’s .ART?

Who Am I?

I’m Richie and I’m a lifelong Artist. I draw pictures, paint paintings, what have you. But being an Artist, to me, is about more than just making cool stuff, as cool as that is. And I guess that’s part of what I’d like to discuss throughout this series of writings. 

What is This Place?

This place here, where it’s safe, and warm; but cold and dangerous at the same time, is called .ART for short. This blog is about Art. Studying History, theory, and practice; and making all of that accessible to everybody. Art is often seen as some mystical, difficult to understand thing, and artists as gatekeepers of ancient secrets. None of this is the case. My goal is to make art easy to understand, and easy to get into. 

Art Store

And for those with a taste for something special, there will be a section of the website dedicated to selling my personal Artwork and prints. It’s a nod to the collectors and those who appreciate the grind of an artist. Hopefully at the time of this writing, I will have something set up already. Maybe it starts small, but who knows where it can go from here.

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