Stock Photo of a paintbrush and palette

Should You Be An Artist?

Short answer: Yes, Absolutely. But to varying degrees.

Not many people want or need to be world class artists, or even great artists. But most of us need and want to communicate better, and in more ways. Art is one such way, and we don’t need to know everything about it, but just enough for our personal needs.

Storytime: Growing Up Drawing

When I was about 2, I drew a dinosaur on a piece of paper with some crayon and the crowd went wild. So I drew some more. Never thought much of it. As I grew, my family was pretty neutral about my drawing. They’d like seeing me draw but they’d also say don’t make art for a living or you’ll be poor. Pretty typical. Never took it seriously, and really only made art to avoid doing schoolwork or to have fun with my friends, in the form of comic books, flip-books, and the like.

I didn’t know how to draw at all, and even if I knew there were books on the subject, art education is not something a kid can typically pick up and stick to on their own. Certainly not a kid like me who wanted nothing more than to goof off and have fun. Art education is more of an adult kind of fun, full of pain and struggle. So on and off I drew when the mood struck me, sometimes not for months. I didn’t actually decide to learn art until I was 23. Why did I decide then? Because nothing else I ever tried felt so right. Nothing had me coming back for more for two decades straight. 

The Practicality of Studying Drawing / Art Skills

In taking this Art stuff seriously, I brought upon myself years of difficulty. But I did it happily, because it opened an infinite number of worlds for me. It released hidden potential in me across many areas of life seemingly unrelated to art. And it can do so for anybody who is willing to suffer for it, to any reasonable extent. 

Speaking practically- imagine that you could think something up, and then take that image or idea from your mind and accurately record it, in such a way that you can confidently share it with others. That’s making something real, and you can take that real thing as far as you like, in any direction you want. And in doing so, you might inspire those around you to do the same. In today’s day and age, one might say “AI can just do it for me”. Sure, but it’ll give you its interpretation, not yours. AI can be a useful tool, but at the time of this writing, it can’t substitute the result of your soul, mind, and hands. Additionally, combining AI with real human skill is magnitudes more powerful than using AI to replace a lack of said skill. 

Art On The Daily

Now we all have busy schedules, most of us heavily occupied with school and/or work. Some with kids or social commitments. All with little to no time or energy at the end of the day to even think about learning or doing Art. Many of us don’t think we have the talent, or we can’t learn, or it’s too hard. But trust me, figuring out a way to get into it 20 minutes a day is worth it. Even a little bit of art in one’s life is better than none, and to be able to make your own, is even better than that.

Stay Tuned for More! But in the meantime, I would love to hear your opinion. Comment down below!

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