
Category: Art Practice & Theory

How to be creative

5 Ways of Unlocking Your Creativity: How To Be Creative

Most people believe that to be creative, one must be born that way, with a special talent. They also tend to believe that to be creative is to be able to make things. Creativity isn’t just the ability to create art; it’s a way of thinking, a manner of perceiving the world, and a means of expressing unique perspectives. It’s about seeing connections where others might see gaps and imagining what could be, rather than just what is.

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Stock photo of a few drawings and some pencils what is drawing

What is Drawing?

To draw is first to observe a subject, to learn about it enough that you are better able to represent it. Many people see things but are not trained to observe as an artist is. People are typically trained to see people, places, and things, in terms or their value or usefulness rather than their physical appearance.

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Stock Photo of a paintbrush and palette

Should You Be An Artist?

Not many people want or need to be world class artists, or even great artists. But most of us need and want to communicate better, and in more ways. Art is one such way, and we don’t need to know everything about it, but just enough for our personal needs. 

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Stock Photo of a messy watercolor Palette

You Are an Artist! But what Is Art?

Art — vast and complicated subject, yet so personal that it evokes myriad interpretations. It’s like a kaleidoscope of perspectives, each unique, yet united in their essence. Artists, in their distinct ways, echo the sentiment that art is much more than what meets the eye; it’s an exploration, a belief, and countless revelations.

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