
The Creative Journey: A Space for Artists and Collectors

Introduction to The Artist

Hello and welcome to .ART, a unique intersection for artists and art enthusiasts alike. My name is Richard Rosa, and this is where my Art lives. My journey into art wasn’t straightforward; but unlike anything else, it was life-long. I started as a baby, and even though it wasn’t something I always did, it was something I always went back to doing. At about 22 years old, I started again for the last time. With no formal education in art, I cracked open some books and started to practice. For almost a decade- I’ve been making and studying Art every single day; and its never gonna stop. Why? An interesting topic I intend to discuss in the blog. But to put it briefly, there’s just no better feeling. As for my work, it doesn’t necessarily aim to connect with people, or to explore a worldly concern, or even to express my feelings. I feel like there’s more out there than we can understand, and the products of my Art often act as little windows into the worlds we can’t see, reshaping them into strange and beautiful puzzles. That being said, I do love when people appreciate my work as much as the next fella’.

This website is my first step towards creating a community — a place not just to display my work but to connect with fellow artists and those who love art. Whether you’re here for inspiration, to admire art, or to find a piece that resonates with you, I’m glad you’re here.

Your visit means a lot. Here’s to the start of a new chapter, one where art brings us together.

Half Face Self Portrait of Richard Rosa

Evolution of the Website

The idea for .ART started simply. As an artist, I wanted a place to share my work beyond the physical confines of a gallery or studio. This website began as that space – a digital portfolio to reach people who might be interested in my art.

At the moment, its a collection of my own pieces, an online extension of my studio. But as time goes on, I plan to expand its scope by including not just my work, but also pieces from other artists who were looking for a place to showcase their art.

The growth of the website has been a steady, organic process. It’s about connecting with other artists and reaching out to people who love art. There’s been learning along the way, understanding what works best in an online art space and how to make art more accessible to a wider audience.

.ART stands as a personal endeavor – a digital space where I can share my art with the world and connect with those who appreciate it. It’s not just an online store to purchase my creations, but also a blog where I can share insights, experiences, and stories about my artistic journey.

Scrap paper outlining initial plans for website

For Artists

As an artist myself, I understand the importance of having a platform to share and discuss art. This is why I’ve dedicated a part of .ART specifically for my fellow artists. Here, you will find not only my artwork but also a series of blog posts aimed at artists of all levels.

My blog serves as a resource and a place of inspiration. It’s where I share my experiences, from the challenges of finding the right medium to the joys of completing a piece that speaks to your soul. I delve into various topics, including practical advice on techniques, discussions on artistic styles, and personal anecdotes that shed light on the life of a working artist.

Additionally, I’m committed to creating an interactive space. I encourage artists visiting the website to engage — whether it’s by leaving comments, asking questions, or even suggesting topics for future blog posts. It’s all about fostering a sense of community and mutual growth among those who share a passion for art.

Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting, I hope my website offers you both guidance and inspiration. It’s a reflection of my journey, and I’m excited to share it with you and to learn from your experiences as well.

For Collectors

Art collectors are invited to explore a curated selection of paintings, each with its own unique story and aesthetic. My goal is to provide collectors with not just art, but pieces that resonate on a deeper level – works that add beauty, thought, and personality to your space.

Here, you’ll find detailed descriptions of each piece, including the inspiration behind them, the techniques used, and the story they tell. This insight offers a deeper understanding and connection to the art, making your purchase more than a transaction; it becomes a meaningful acquisition.

I take pride in the quality of the artworks displayed. Each piece is carefully created, ensuring that it meets not only my standards as an artist but also the expectations of discerning collectors. Whether you’re looking for a centerpiece for your living room or a unique addition to your growing collection, you’ll find something special here.

For those interested in purchasing, the process is streamlined and secure. I understand the importance of trust in such transactions, and every step from selection to delivery is handled with utmost care and professionalism.

Welcome to a space where art meets its connoisseur. Whether it’s your first piece or an addition to an established collection, I’m here to help you find that perfect artwork that speaks to you.

Community and Connection

At the heart of .ART lies a commitment to fostering a community where artists and art lovers can connect. This website is more than a place to display and discover art; it’s a platform for building relationships and sharing passions.

I believe that art is a conversation, a way to bridge gaps and bring people together. Through the blog and the online gallery, .ART facilitates these conversations. It’s a place where questions can be asked, insights can be shared, and the beauty of art can be celebrated in its many forms.

As .ART grows, so does its community. It’s a journey we’re on together, artists and collectors alike, exploring the vast and vibrant world of art. I invite you to join this community, to engage, to explore, and to be a part of the story we’re writing here.


As we reach the end of this introduction to .ART, I want to emphasize one final, crucial aspect – accessibility. My journey in art has taught me the importance of connection and communication. Whether you are an artist looking for advice, a collector in search of the perfect piece, or simply someone with a passion for art, know that I am here and accessible.

Feel free to reach out to me. Whether it’s questions about a specific piece, inquiries about the artistic process, or just a desire to chat about art, I welcome it all. This website isn’t just a platform for showcasing and selling art; it’s a doorway to meaningful conversations and connections.

Thank you for taking the time to explore .ART. It’s a space born out of love for art and a desire to connect with others who share this passion. I look forward to hearing from you, to learning about your own journey in art, and to potentially adding a piece of my world to yours.